CPD InFocus

Continuing Professional Development at WorldCC


About CPD at WorldCC

Dedicated to raising the quality and integrity of trading relationships, WorldCC provides its members with a diverse set of resources to help individuals advance their competencies and competitiveness in the commercial marketplace. These resources are part of WorldCC’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) portfolio which provide opportunities for members to actively engage – via social commercial networks, on-demand resource library, webinars, conferences and online certification training – and stay connected with best practices, trends and changes in the field that impact their future.

CPD is key to demonstrating best-in-class competency and qualification. Members who are certified in Contract and Commercial Management (CCM) or Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) must stay active by earning CPD points to maintain their WorldCC certification. Specifically, WorldCC certifications must be renewed every two years and to do so, certification holders must demonstrate their competency by collecting at least 40 CPD points within the two-year period. CPD can be acquired through participation in WorldCC activities and utilizing member resources. This catalog is intended to support members achieve their CPD requirement by suggesting engagement organized by topic. 

We update this catalog regularly to offer the most current resources available. In addition to WorldCC resources, members can also achieve CPD points by participating in related in-house training and events, and related thirdparty training and events. One hour of activity typically equates to one CPD point, and members capture their CPD activities and points through updating their learning tracker in their membership profile. Certified members must earn 4 CPD points in Business Ethics and/or Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) as part of the 40 CPD points required for certification. These items are highlighted in green e.g.   1 CPD point  

Questions? Please view our FAQs about  training, development or CPD options, or if you are interested in scheduling custom CPD programs for your team contact learning@worldcc.com.

Learning pathway in CCM & SRM

Flexible entry based on WorldCC skills assessment. Click the images to enlarge.

CCM Path to Commercial Excellence
Development in CCM

Agile Contracting


Read and consider

When you contract for Agile don’t confuse it with traditional methods

  1 CPD point  

State of Agility in Procurement & Supply

  1 CPD point  

Doing less with more – embracing the new  20/80 rule for contract support

  1 CPD point  

Are you ready for agile?

  1 CPD point  

The benefits of agile digital transformation  to innovation processes

  1 CPD point  

Hugo Sarrazin, Belkis Vasquez-McCall and Simon London, Agile with a capital ‘A’:  A guide to the principles and pitfalls of agile development

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Watch


Agile: We want it, but can we do it? 

  1 CPD point  

APAC – Agile contracts: A fresh start

  1 CPD point  

Ask the expert, Are contracts past their sell-by date?

  1 CPD point  

Agile contracts: A fresh start

  1 CPD point  

Ask the expert, Contracting for innovation – is agile contracting the solution?

  1 CPD point  

Ask the expert, Understanding and using  agile contracts 

  1 CPD point  

Ask the expert, Agile budgets. Agile contracts. What happens when financial need meets  market reality?

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Action


Agility workshops 

  1 CPD point  

WorldCC network, Contracting Models  (Agile, Relational, Outcome-Based) 

  1 CPD point  

Artificial Intelligence & Technology


Read and consider

5 Principles to Guide Your Contracting Team’s Gen  AI Strategy

  1 CPD point  

Lost revenue in your contracts? AI can help recover it

  1 CPD point  

Launch Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) to upskill provision of public services

  1 CPD point  

Contract automation

  1 CPD point  

Combining artificial intelligence (AI) with human logic? Help is on the way!

  1 CPD point  

Integrating generative AI in legal practice: 2024 – the year the legal field joins the tech revolution

  1 CPD point  

Overcoming the 10 pitfalls of contracting

  1 CPD point  

Emil Stefanutti, Artificial intelligence – turbocharging our contract management future? 

  1 CPD point  

WorldCC white paper, Artificial intelligence and financial services

  12 CPD points  

CPD - Watch


AI in Contracting: The status of adpotion and use

  1 CPD point  

AI in Contracting: untapped revolution to emerging evolution

  1 CPD point  

ContractPodAI: Collaborative Intelligence

  1 CPD point  

Driving Sustainable Technology: Procurement Takes the Wheel

  1 CPD point  

Evisort: What Generative AI Means for Adaptive Leadership

  1 CPD point  

From laggard to leader – will AI transform contract management?

  1 CPD points  

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming enterprise contracting

  1 CPD point  

Malbek: Crossing the contract AI chasm: 6 key trends uncovered

  1 CPD point  

SirionLabs: How AI is helping reimagine contract authoring

  1 CPD point  

Thought leadership panel: navigating the abyss – unveiling fear, ethics and the future of AI in contracting

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Action


WorldCC network, Information technology

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Engage


AI Contracting Week: past insights and future innovations

  1 CPD point  

Harnessing the power of change: technology, innovation, and data-driven transformation – September 5th

  1 CPD point  

AI Contracting Week – September 17th to 19th

  6 CPD point  



Read and consider

Benchmark Report 2023 - CCM the journey to operational excellence

  1 CPD point  

Benchmark Report 2023 - Buy-side and sell-side comparisons

  1 CPD point  

Benchmark Report 2023 - CCM analysis by geographic region

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Watch


Advancing gender equality in procurement and supply chains

  1 CPD point  

Benchmark Report 2023 - A maturing discipline: contract management in Asia-Pacific

  1 CPD point  

Benchmark Report 2023 - Buy-side and sell-side comparisons

  1 CPD point  

Benchmark Report 2023 - CCM analysis by geographic region

  1 CPD point  

Benchmark Report 2023 - Getting beyond average - the state of contract and commercial management

  1 CPD point  

Benchmark Report 2023 - Positioning the value of CCM

  1 CPD point  

Benchmark Report 2023 - CCM by industry - what's the difference?

  1 CPD points  

CCM as a profession


Read and consider

Gut feeling or qualifications-based selections, which is right?

  1 CPD point  

International Women’s Day: The return on  investment of embracing equity

  1 CPD point  

Rory Unsworth, Meet the flexperts!  How to bring in expert contributions around the contract in support of commercial interests

  1 CPD point  

Thinking big and bigger through a ‘wide-angle lens’

  1 CPD point  

Three essential tools for digital contract management

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Watch


Addressing friction points in contract and commercial management

  1 CPD point  

Ask the expert, What’s the market for key terms in commercial contracting?

  1 CPD point  

Agents for a better world: What can we learn  from the humans behind change?

  1 CPD point  

Building talented procurement and contract management teams

  1 CPD point  

Careers Week: on-demand content

  1 CPD point  

Celebrating a new era of Inspiring Women in 2024

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Watch


CCM and SRM: The professors speak

  1 CPD point  

Changing Contracting Models:  A new face and value for CCM

  1 CPD point  

Cultivating leadership excellence exploring role models and mentoring

  1 CPD point  

De-mystifying legal practices: Integrating lawyers as team players

  1 CPD point  

Leaders of the Future 2023  Global Winning Team – Europe

  1 CPD point  

Lessons learned: a year in review

  1 CPD point  

Maximizing impact through the volunteer effect

  1 CPD point  

Nurturing parental and professional success

  1 CPD point  

NAIDOC Week: Indigenous Engagement –  Being Genuine

  1 CPD point  

The art of fostering positive work environments

  1 CPD point  

The ROI of Contracting - Part 2: It's the people who matter

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Action


Survey – How does your salary compare? Where are the best opportunities and the greatest rewards?

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Engage


Statements of Work: slaying assumptions – October 30th

  1 CPD point  

Contract design, simplification & visualization


Read and consider

Contract simplification: The why and the how 

  1 CPD point  

Contract visualization – boost your brand and  bridge the language barrier

  1 CPD point  

Contracts as boundary objects: What does this  mean and why should we care?

  1 CPD point  

Comic contracts – everyone can understand  them

  1 CPD point  

Design thinking, the secret to simplifying  contracts

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Watch


Ask the expert: Simplify your contracts –  is this now a “must do”?

  1 CPD point  

Ask the expert: Visual contracts, worth a look?

  1 CPD point  

Designing contracts for trust and inclusion

  1 CPD point  

Ask the expert: Visual contracts, worth a look?

  1 CPD point  

Simplifying your contracts: The journey to self-service - Part 1

  1 CPD point  

Simplifying your contracts: The journey to self-service - Part 2

  1 CPD point  

Contract simplification: How to guide

  1 CPD point  

World Sustainable Contracting Day 2023 

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Engage


Better Contract Design Mark

  1 CPD point  

Contract Design Pattern Library

  1 CPD point  

Simpler Contracts by Design

  1 CPD point  

Reducing contracting friction points through clarity and balance – October 17th

  1 CPD point  

Contracting principles & standards


Read and consider

Use of World Commerce & Contracting principles in practice by an attorney from a civil law jurisdiction 

  1 CPD point  

General theory of legal design in law and economics framework of commercial contracting

  1 CPD point  

Exploring contract visualization: Clarification and framing strategies to shape collaborative business relationships

  1 CPD point  

WorldCC Contracting Principles

  1 CPD point  

WorldCC Contracting Standards

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Watch


Conga: Common pitfalls when trying to adopt contract management solutions

  1 CPD point  

Stopping the leak: The value of contracts

  1 CPD point  

Identifying and Addressing Modern Slavery Risk  in Your Supply Chain

  1 CPD point  

Dispute resolution


Read and consider

Alternative dispute resolution in the world of  commercial disputes

  1 CPD point  

Conversation matters – turning conflict into  partnership

  1 CPD point  

Henrik Lando, What are the causes of conflicts  in contractual relationships?  (WorldCC Academic Symposium 2019)

  1 CPD point  

Mohit Khullar, Due diligence – shooting the risk  before the risk shoots us!

  1 CPD point  

Standing neutrals – common sense for preventing contract disputes

  1 CPD point  

WorldCC resource, Resolving capital project disputes: Adopting a business case approach

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Watch


Ask the expert, Contractual awareness, claims prevention and mitigation – what every contract manager should know

  1 CPD point  

Ask the expert, Post COVID-19 claims

  1 CPD point  

Ask the expert, Smaller disputes with arbitration  or litigation? No way! 

  1 CPD point  

Ask the expert, Using multi-tiered dispute resolution clauses to solve complex disputes

  1 CPD point  

Future of contracting


Read and consider

Climate-aligned contracting

  1 CPD point  

Digitalizing your procurement transformation – what you need to resolve first

  1 CPD point  

Jumpstarting ESG to drive operational  effectiveness

  1 CPD point  

Revolutionizing Supplier Relationship  Management through AI: A Glimpse into the  Future

  1 CPD point  

The promise and pitfalls of sustainable  procurement

  1 CPD point  

Sirion Labs, Smarter contracting:  Reimagining intelligence. Redefining digital

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Watch


2024 Contracting for Outcomes

  1 CPD point  

Advancing gender equality in procurement and  supply chains

  1 CPD point  

AI in Contracting Week – Addressing the barriers  to adoption

  1 CPD point  

Ask the expert, How open contracting improves public procurement and state asset sales for more than  $10 trillion annually

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Watch


Ask the expert, How to integrate sustainability into  your organisation’s procurement policies and  processes

  1 CPD point  

Contracting in the circular economy

  1 CPD point  

Evolving skills and competencies in commercial and contract management

  1 CPD point  

How to implement socially responsible contracting: insights from WorldCC award winners

  1 CPD point  

How procurement is changing – and what it means for suppliers

  1 CPD point  

Inspiring Women 2023:  Passing the baton of inspiration

  1 CPD point  

Navigating crises through strategic resilience

  1 CPD point  

Re-imagining collaboration: contracts and blockchain

  1 CPD point  

Rethinking statements of work

  1 CPD point  

Risk management and ESG:  Understanding your obligations

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Action


WorldCC network, Sustainable supply chains network

  1 CPD point  



Read and consider

Authenticity and resiliency – catalysts for change

  1 CPD point  

Most Important Terms 

  1 CPD point  

Most Negotiated Terms 2022:  Negotiating in a time of turmoil

  1 CPD point  

Dos and Don’ts of contract drafting  (and negotiation) 

  1 CPD points  

How predictive modelling improves bid  economics and outcomes

  1 CPD points  

Helen Rogers and Ray Fells, Successful buyer –  supplier relationships: The role of negotiations 

  1 CPD points  

Tiffany Kemp, Contract negotiations – How to avoid the email trap and win 

  1 CPD points  

The BIG debate – Brexit negotiation 

  1 CPD points  

CPD - Watch


Most Important Terms – Negotiating for Marriage or Divorce 

  1 CPD point  

Negotiation Room – Part 1: The world of ethical negotiation

  1 CPD point  

Negotiation Room – Part 2:  Aligning buyer and supplier objectives for effective negotiation

  1 CPD point  

Negotiation strategies to build relationships and close contracts

  1 CPD point  

Market Insights: Negotiations in the technology  and software sector 

  1 CPD point  

Market Insights: Coping with chaos – the most renegotiated  terms 

  1 CPD point  

Market Insights: Negotiating across boundaries  

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Action


WorldCC Community - Negotiation

  1 CPD point  

Negotiation room - Part 3: Behavioural economics in negotiation

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Engage


Online Negotiation Master Classes

  20-60 CPD points  

Relational contracting


Read and consider

A new report on strategies to increase equity  in public procurement

  1 CPD point  

A peek into the future of commercial transactions: Smart contracts, relational contracts and the  WorldCC principles 

  1 CPD point  

Accelerating business-to-business contract negotiations: Moving from one-sided to balanced standard  contract terms 

  1 CPD point  

Can the contracting process improve without  an owner? 

  1 CPD points  

Diversity equals strength

  1 CPD points  

Facing the perfect storm of cost increases

  1 CPD points  

Revisiting performance based contracts vs. outcome based contracts vs. relational contracts

  1 CPD points  

Sustainability, social value and inclusion

  1 CPD points  

‘Things That Matter’: define, measure, manage and transform high value relationships

  1 CPD points  

Transforming commercial contracts through  computable contracting 

  1 CPD points  

Working without a safety net:  Lessons for better relational contracting 

  1 CPD points  

CPD - Watch


Ask the expert, Relational agreements:  The real routes to collaboration 

  1 CPD point  

Collaboration – turning aspirations to reality  

  1 CPD point  

Contract or relationship: which matters more? 

  1 CPD point  

SirionLabs: The connected enterprise: Leveraging CLM as a digital bridge 

  1 CPD point  

Supplier Relationship Management (SRM):  In a world of disruption, uncertainty and change can you afford not to be a customer of choice?  

  1 CPD point  

CPD - Engage


Driving Excellence: how relationship management is shaping the future of contracts

  1 CPD point